(一)以漢族為中心,透過民族情緒的訴 求,動員民眾起來抵抗,表達對統治當局 的不滿。 這樣的案例,從一六五二年荷蘭時代,漢 人反抗荷蘭統治的「郭懷一事件」開始, 便層出不窮。較為有名的還有一七二一年 驚動整個西部地區的抵抗運動「朱一貴事 件」;一七八六年清朝時代最大規模的抵 抗行動「林爽文事件」,清廷花了四省的 兵力,歷時十六個月才彌平;一八六二年 席捲台灣中部、歷時四年,以八卦會會眾 為首的「戴潮春事件」。一八九五年清廷 將台灣割讓給日本,以仕紳階層為首的一 群欠缺「民主」概念的人士,竟以「台灣 民主國」為號召,試圖抵抗日本帝國的統 治,為期五個月;「民主國」事件失敗之 後,從一八九五年年底直至一九○二年期 間,以北部的簡太獅、中部的柯鐵虎、南 部的林少貓為首,打著「抗日」旗幟,在 各處進行遊擊行動。接著,從一九○七年 蔡清琳鼓勵新竹月眉社一帶住民,侵襲當 地日本人官憲與民間人之「北埔事件開始 」,一九○八年丁棚二十八宿事件、一九 一二年三月林杞埔的劉乾事件、同年六月 黃朝的土庫事件、一九一四年羅臭頭的六 甲事件、一九一五年二月台中的林老才事 件、乃至同年四月餘清芳的西來庵事件, 一連串的武裝抗爭行動,皆夾雜著強烈的 民族意識色彩。不僅如此,橫跨四個世紀 的這些反亂運動還有另一個共同特徵,即 多具有舊封建時代「易世革命」的特質, 事件的指導者皆企圖以新「皇帝」自居。
Rich layers of national consciousness
(1) With Han Chinese at the core, the demands of ethnic emotion mobilized the common people to rise up and fight back, conveying their dissatisfaction to the ruling authorities. There were numerous cases of this kind, starting with the Kue Huai-yit Incident in 1652, when Han Chinese reacted against Dutch rule. An even more well-known incident was the Chu Yit-gui Incident of 1721, a resistance movement which shook the entire western region. The largest resistance action of the Qing dynasty was the Lin Song-bun Incident of 1786, the Qing court used military forces from four provinces, and it took 16 months to restore peace. In 1862, the Dai Tiao-chun Incident, led by members of the Eight Diagrams Society, engulfed central Taiwan for four years. In 1895, when the Qing court ceded Taiwan to Japan, a group led by members of the gentry class, who are normally perceived as lacking any concept of democracy, unexpectedly appealed for a "Taiwan Republic," and tried to rebel against Japanese imperial rule. It lasted five months. After the failure of the "Republic," from the end of 1895 until 1902, the flag of the "anti-Japanese" movement was raised, spearheaded by Chien Tai-shih in the north, Ke Tie-hu in the central region, and Lim Siau-Niau in the south. The movement involved launching surprise attacks all over the place, as and when the opportunity arose. Then, from 1907, Tsai Ching-lin encouraged residents in the area of Yueh Mei She in Hsinchu to invade and attack local Japanese officers and civilians in the Peipu Incident. A long string of armed resistances, including the Tingpeng Incident of 1908, the Lin Kipo Liu Kan Incident of March 1912, and the Huang Chao Tu Ku Incident in June the same year, the Luo Chou Tou Liu Chia Incident of 1914, the Lin Lao Tsai Incident in Taichung in February 1915, in Taichung, and even in April 1915, Yu Ching-fong's Seraian Incident, were all imbued with intense national consciousness. Not only were these incidents indicative of rich layers of national consciousness, these rebellions and uprisings which spanned four centuries had another common trait, the quality of the old, feudal-era "revolutions aiming to change the world," and the leaders of these incidents all tried to pose as new "emperors."